Let's Learn Bengali

Lets learn bengali by MAPublisher

As a second generation Bangladeshi young person who has grown up in the East End of London and integrated, speaking Bengali became my second language. The only time I used my basic Sylheti Bangla was when I was speaking with my dad and other extended elders; but  mainly spoke English with everyone else. Nowadays, English is the mother tongue for the 3rd and the future generations growing up in the Anglicize Bangladeshi community.

These let's learn Bengali books are produced with those key factors and also to adopt to "the way of the days" ways of learning and teaching.  These books have multiple purposes and it is not intended for a single market target, these books are to facilitate learning for the young children/people as well as parents. Parents benefit from the passive learning while they teach it to their children.

These books are to facilitate relationship building and nurturing through teaching one's mother tongue language. Today's young parent take more responsibility in their children's education and life then our parents of the 70's did.

These books are adopted to the national curriculum design, with bold colours, with images and art work. Various methods are used to make it attractive for the children to take notice and pick the book up and open it. They are designed to make it easy to follow and navigate because they are written in English, and English transliterations for additional support, colours and pictures. 

 To make it exciting, fun and colourful as opposed to just text, dull and no images.

So far the following books have been produced and many more are on their way:

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LLB Numbers 1-100
Making learning Bengali numbers fun with this English transliteration book for children and adults.


The Bengali alphabets are many and the characters change,
such as the vowels to shorthand, double and triple joint letters. Let's Learn Bengali books have broken down the numbers and alphabets to make it easy and fun to learn, in large and hand drawn characters; laid out in ways to make it easy for anyone who is used to the curriculum books. . Let's Learn Bengali books use transliteration, syllables and phonetics as well as other visual aids, such as pictures and tables. These books are designed to help support learning for people of all ages, and to help parents to use these books to facilitate learning for their children.

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LLB Activity Numbers 1-10
Making learning Bengali numbers fun with this activity book


3. Get your copy

Lets Learn Bengali - Colouring Numbers 1-10
Making learning Bengali numbers fun with this colouring book


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LLB Activity Colouring Alphabets
Making learning Bengali Alphabet fun with this colouring book


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Lets Learn Bengali - Numbers 1-10
Let your child learn their numbers


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Let's Learn Bengali - Vowels
Learn the vowels


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Let's Learn Bengali - Consonants
Making Bengali learning fun!



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Let's Learn Bengali - Vowel & Shorthands
Bengali alphabet vowel shorthands are made easy to understand and recognise.


9. Get your copy
LLB - Body Parts - Adults
In this book it describes all parts of both genders in the Sylheti dialect.

10. Get your copy
LLB Relations
This book breaks down who's who in your family and extended family, if you ever wanted clarity as to how to address/call your "mama's wife" or your sibling's in-law, then this is the book for you!

Bite Size Islam: 99 Names of AllahOther learning support books: 
Bite Size Islam: 99 Names of Allah
The style of writing and the use of patterns to compliment and support the learning and development.
Bite size Islam books about Islamic knowledge, information presented in bite size, easy to absorb, understand, learn and teaching conducive to today's young people whose first language is English.

You can visit the on-line shop to view all the other books published by MAPublisher.
